Callingfication - Your assignment ( PURPOSE ) on planet earth.
Purpose must be
discovered before potential can be awaken, utilized and developed. (Knowing your purpose is the key to using
your potential).
Your Assignment [Callingfication]
on planet earth must be located for better utilization of your Credentials [Qualification].
Question 1: Do you know that there is a reason for your
existence? God know you before you were even formed into a fetus. He has a
specific plan for your life. Your job while you are here on earth is not to
choose your destiny but to discover it.
God has a purpose for
your life!
You are created for a
purpose; you are here on earth for a purpose. There is a reason why you are
privileged to go through school, either four walls or not and become a
Question 2: What is God's purpose for your life?
Question 3: What is purpose and potential?
It is difficult for any
human being to specially tell you God's purpose for your life.” Purpose
This chapter will help
you on how to discover your purpose and develop your potential.
You are born for a
Purpose. Discovering that Purpose is the foundation of your success in life.
Purpose will keep you
alive, give you direction, make you original, give you fulfillment, reveal your
potentials and lunch you into limelight.
- Purpose is an assignment
and the reason for existence
- Purpose is the reason
for an action being done, it is the original intention of a thing; the reason a
manufacturer produces a product.
- It is determinant of a
fulfilled destiny. (Nothing on earth is done without a purpose).
- It is what the creator
has sent you to accomplish; a divine assignment.
- Purpose can also be
refer to as aim or a goal.
- It is the original
intent for the creation of a thing, the original reason for the existence of a
Provide Answers to all!
Who am I?
Why am I here?
·Why am I posted here?
·Where did I come from?
·What was I born to do?
·What can I do?
·What is my potential?
·Where am I going?
Each of us must find the answers to
these questions of purpose if we are going to enjoy a meaningful, successful
and fulfilling life.
1. Until purpose is discovered,
existence has no meaning
2. You cannot truly “know yourself”
until you discover your purpose
3. Where there is no purpose, no
internal reason for living and no significance and relevance in life
4. Purpose creates vision and keeps
you focused
5. Your fulfillment in life is
dependent on your becoming and doing what you were born to be and do
6. Purpose gives birth to hope and
instills the passion to act
7. Purpose is the key to life.
Without purpose, life has no meaning.
8. Life without purpose makes much
motion but no progress.
9. God is the source of purpose
10.Your purpose on earth is very
crucial to your existence
11.Purpose allow you to be yourself
12.When you are in line with your
purpose opportunities will open for you.
13.When you identify your purpose,
you will not waste your resources.
14.Some people's destiny depends on
your purpose.
15.Purpose can only be fulfilled when
one put his/her hands to work (One cannot reach fulfillment in life by staying
idle). Success cannot be achieved by any man who is not working according to
his purpose.
16.Purpose preserves lives (Avoid
life without purpose)
17.Our purpose on earth goes beyond
our Parents and Teachers.
18.Purpose not discovered and
executed makes someone a failure.
19.Purpose gives direction for life
when discovered.
20.Purpose provides vision which
motivates a plan of action to meet specific goals.
21.You cannot fulfill your purpose if
you are in the wrong position or relationship.
22.Life without purpose is time
without meaning.
God can help us locate our purpose
via dreams, friends, passion, hobby, talent and through other means. One key
way of discovering purpose is via the word of God (Someone who studies the
SCRIPTURE is more able to identify his/her purpose than someone who is not well
acquitted with the word of God).
What people say about you could be a
pointer to your purpose (So it's important to pay attention to what people say
about you especially, people who know you very well) Parents, Teachers, Friends
and Families and so on.
First and foremost, God is a God of
potential. Everything He created, He creates with the principles of potential.
What would this World have lost if
you had not been born?
Potentials are latent power, dormant
- It is an untapped power
- Hidden strength
- Unused success
- Dormant activity
- Who you really are and nobody knows
it yet.
- What you can really do but haven't
done it yet.
- How far you can go but haven't gone
- What you can accomplish with your
life but you haven't accomplished it yet.
It's never what you have done, it's
always what you could do [and you aren't yet]. Note: The graveyard is full of this awesome power called potential (i.e.)
men and women who could not fulfill their purpose.
To maximize your potentials, remain
attached to your source; your maker, the creator of the whole universe.
It's never too late to become what you might have been.
1. It gives direction/focus. You'll
know what to do at a point in time; hence, there is no beating about the bush.
2. It determines the friendship you
attract. Your purpose determines the kind of friendship you keep.
3. It attracts provision. Every
vision has a provision. Your purpose will bring on the required resources.
4. It gives all round success.
Success is simply the achievement of set goals. Except there is a purpose
(goal), there is no success. For purpose in itself gives you goals to pursue.
5. It gives meaning to your life. The
greatest tragedy is not death but life without purpose.
6. It makes you to channel your
energy on things that matters.
7. It makes you selective, effective
and active. Without clear purpose, you will keep changing direction. If you
don't stand for something, you will fall for everything.
8. It motivates your life.
9. It determines who to marry.
10.It prepares you for eternity.
Here are some Questions that will
help you discover your true destiny.
1. What is your deepest desire?
2. What stirs your passion?
3. What is that natural talent or
ability you have?
4. What do mature people see in you?
5. Is there something you can do for
hours and really enjoy?
These among others are pointers to
your purpose:
1. What you enjoy doing without
struggling. You do it with ease. This is one of the major pointers in life. To
some, it could be talking, cracking jokes, singing, writing and others. It is
easy because you are designed for it.
2. People around you will be telling
you. At younger age, people start calling you by that purpose. Sometimes, what
people say are pointers to purpose.
3. Ask God. You can discover your
true purpose by waiting upon God and asking Him for direction. You need to ask
your creator the reason for your existence.
1. Through revelation: God can reveal
something to you which could be your purpose for life.
2. Dream: God can also speak to you
through dream.
3. Gift: When you have a special gift
or talent, it could be your purpose for living.
4. Passion: Always give attention to
your passion, your area of interest can be your area of passion.
5. Commitment: When you suddenly
discover you are committed to a particular thing, which could be your area of
“Your ASSIGNMENT in life will not only give you EMPLOYMENT,
It will also give you FUFILLMENT”
Get my latest book titled " BEYOND SCHOOL " for more informaion.