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CHANGE AGENT is an organization commissioned to reaching the needy.  A new government emerged to see to the affairs of the people of the nations, committed in helping the youths and people maximizing their personal potentials and God’s given purposes on earth.

Change agent is duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria under the Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990.

We are sent into this dispensation for this purpose, the destiny and the future of this generation is our priority.

We are designed to evolve economic revelation of business strategist and idealist that will help build a solid economy foundation for the society and salvage the world from her condition and we must not fail because we are sent and programmed for result.

Our organization has taken it upon her to empower our society by offering innovative and highly industrialized training, vocational training and entrepreneurship/leadership training for the youths of our nation.

Our source is Almighty God, the source of all things and the endearing hearts of our PATRONS/PATRONESS AND PARTNERS across the country as well as the executive members of Change Agents.

God's mandate to us is reaching the needy.

-  To bring hope and future to a hopeless life
-  To be a world class solution provider to all humanity

To eradicate joblessness in our society
- Offering innovative and highly industrialized training for people with great business ideas
- Promoting and financing creative thinkers to become self-employed

We are organized in different departments which are, however managed by young and dynamic multi-skilled professionals coordinated by experienced management team.

-  Empowering youths for a life of significance
-  Helping the people to identify practical ways to live a better life
-  To drastically tackle the scourge of unemployment and create value for lives
- Teaching financial, biblical and economical wisdom principles for management control system and leadership                      

Our core value is deeply rooted in the acronym of our brand AGENTS
-  Adding value
-  Giving Godly counsel
-  Evicting hunger, Eradicating poverty
-  Nurturing life
-  Tackling the scourge of unemployment
-  Supporting you to become self-reliant

Our foundation is deeply rooted in biblical principles; we believe that working together we shall make our state, country and the world a better place to live.

08139000088, 08112229459



CHANGE AGENTS STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP ACADEMY, A Non Governmental Academy committed to building and raising strategic servant leaders who will help to harness all our natural endowments for the benefit of all Nigerians. Change leaders that will dictate and rule the economy of this nation through revelatory knowledge of God, those to whom we can say great leaders for good people in a great nation.

CASLAC is an offshoot of change agents, Africa which is an academy of excellent. It is designed to pop open revelation for business strategists; strategic leaders (New generation of Leaders; People Concerned Leaders) that will help build a solid economic foundation for the redeemed and the society at large.

To raise Strategic servant leaders (Social-Concern leaders) who will help to harness all our natural endowments for the benefit of all Nigerians and Africans at large, those that will help build a solid economic foundation for the redeemed and the society at large.

To serve as a vehicle in tackling the scourge of unemployment in the society through vocational training, entrepreneurship/leadership training and capacity building workshops.

*            To empower Nigerian / African youths with the knowledge and skills that will enable them take charge of their lives starting with little or no capital
*        Teaching them morals and values for the benefit of the individual's future
*        Nurturing them to become self – reliance
*        Empowering our society by offering innovative and highly empowered training.

 We are CASLAC, our brand
 CA: Change Agents
 SL:  Servant Leaders
AC: Advocates for Change

Our course of studies are designed to providing practical teachings and training on Leadership, Management, National Development, Entrepreneurship, Business and Finance, Branding, Real Estate, Printing, Marketing, Civics, ICT and host of others to help the youths and people live a transformed life in other to become an influential new generation of leaders.

We have proven qualified and certified instructors and resource persons to train and help the youths to fulfill their dream of becoming a strategic servant  leader.

Our selected resource persons who will empower the youths through practical training and teachings are core professionals trained here and overseas with many years hand on experience.

Enquiry: 08139000088, 08112229459 

ABOUT ME: Talented Olayinka

Amb. Talented Olayinka [HPDC]

Talented is an advocate and catalyst for Change. He’s also an African based, information, serial and social entrepreneur, and a media personality. A financial analyst turned propagator, promoter and preacher of the word of CHANGE.

As a change catalyst, he's the founding president of CHANGE AGENTS AFRICA, based in Lagos, Nigeria with members and representatives nationally and internationally.

A wealth creation agent, human and personal development coach, educator, instructor, strategist, protagonist, idealist, journalist, publisher, author, transformational speaker and a seasoned business man with extensive experience in area of marketing, printing, branding, real estate, travels, media and publishing. He's the chief executive of TALENT SIGNATURE GROUP (TSG) and the national president of CASLAC (Change Agents Strategic Leadership Academy), which is an academy of excellence committed with passion to raising strategic stewards around the world.

Talented, is the bestselling author of “NOW THAT YOU ARE A GRADUATE, WHAT NEXT and BEYOND SCHOOL".
As an ambassador for youths, he provides covering to youths across the globe. He regularly hosts a gathering of youths for a mind transforming, life changing; life rebuilding, positive influencing and destiny molding conference tagged “BEYOND SCHOOL” for entrepreneurs, graduates and students of higher institute of learning at large in Nigeria.

Amb. Talented sits on the board of several non - profit organizations in Africa, such as the Inspiration Network, Constellation Enthral International, Hope Embassy, Nigeria Youths Initiative for a better World International (NIYOW), Change Agents of Nigeria and YAN (Youth Advocate of Nigeria).

A qualified brand consultant, associate member of the Nigeria Institute of Brand Management (NIBM) and Certified Microsoft Professional.
Talented earnestly pursues the vision of the commission, CHANGE AGENTS which is to bring hope and future to the hopeless and helping the youths to identify practical ways to live a better life.
He is the brain behind KINGDOMVASITY, THE SIGNATURE, SIGNATURE SPECIAL and the privileged founding president of Change Agents, Africa.

Bb pin: 7F782F91
Tel: +234 8139000088
Skype: talented.olayinka
Twitter:  @talentolayinka
Facebook: Talented Olayinka


First thing first is God; God is the determiner of every success in life.
The first element or factor that determines a business success is God. “To do exploit as an entrepreneur, to achieve success or flourish in business, you need capital letter (G) God”. Other factors are categorized into five points which are;

1.                 Your market
2.                 Your product or service
3.                 Your marketing
4.                 Your use of attention
5.                 Your ability to use others

Let’s take a closer look at these five success factors:

Your first task is to check exactly what your prospective buyers want to pay for and adjust your “know how” to deliver exactly that. Once your relationships are in place you can propose other “add-on” services and product. FIRST sell what the buyer wants to pay for.

The world is filled with people who share your “know how”. The difference is in your ability to focus on the solution you are providing and its match to the need in the market place better and faster than you do.

The messages you use needs to be in the language of the buyer.
Beware being too clever and having them skip right past you.

The biggest stumbling block business owners put in front of themselves is responding to every interruption and distraction. Think you don’t? Try turning off your phone and email for 3 straight hours measure how much you get done!

Leverage can be defined as getting the greatest return from time, attention, energy and resources. There are activities that, only you can take care of your business. Keep your attention on these and leverage the experience and intelligence of others to cover the rest.

Talented Olayinka
+2348139000088, 7F782F91



Callingfication - Your assignment ( PURPOSE ) on planet earth.


Purpose must be discovered before potential can be awaken, utilized and developed. (Knowing your purpose is the key to using your potential).

Your Assignment [Callingfication] on planet earth must be located for better utilization of your Credentials [Qualification].

Question 1: Do you know that there is a reason for your existence? God know you before you were even formed into a fetus. He has a specific plan for your life. Your job while you are here on earth is not to choose your destiny but to discover it.

God has a purpose for your life!
You are created for a purpose; you are here on earth for a purpose. There is a reason why you are privileged to go through school, either four walls or not and become a graduate.

Question 2: What is God's purpose for your life?
Question 3: What is purpose and potential?

It is difficult for any human being to specially tell you God's purpose for your life.” Purpose differs!

This chapter will help you on how to discover your purpose and develop your potential.

You are born for a Purpose. Discovering that Purpose is the foundation of your success in life.
Purpose will keep you alive, give you direction, make you original, give you fulfillment, reveal your potentials and lunch you into limelight.
- Purpose is an assignment and the reason for existence
- Purpose is the reason for an action being done, it is the original intention of a thing; the reason a manufacturer produces a product.
- It is determinant of a fulfilled destiny. (Nothing on earth is done without a purpose).
- It is what the creator has sent you to accomplish; a divine assignment.
- Purpose can also be refer to as aim or a goal.
- It is the original intent for the creation of a thing, the original reason for the existence of a thing.


Provide Answers to all!
Who am I?
Why am I here?
·Why am I posted here?
·Where did I come from?
·What was I born to do?
·What can I do?
·What is my potential?
·Where am I going?

Each of us must find the answers to these questions of purpose if we are going to enjoy a meaningful, successful and fulfilling life.

1. Until purpose is discovered, existence has no meaning
2. You cannot truly “know yourself” until you discover your purpose
3. Where there is no purpose, no internal reason for living and no significance and relevance in life
4. Purpose creates vision and keeps you focused
5. Your fulfillment in life is dependent on your becoming and doing what you were born to be and do
6. Purpose gives birth to hope and instills the passion to act
7. Purpose is the key to life. Without purpose, life has no meaning.
8. Life without purpose makes much motion but no progress.
9. God is the source of purpose
10.Your purpose on earth is very crucial to your existence
11.Purpose allow you to be yourself
12.When you are in line with your purpose opportunities will open for you.
13.When you identify your purpose, you will not waste your resources.
14.Some people's destiny depends on your purpose.
15.Purpose can only be fulfilled when one put his/her hands to work (One cannot reach fulfillment in life by staying idle). Success cannot be achieved by any man who is not working according to his purpose.
16.Purpose preserves lives (Avoid life without purpose)
17.Our purpose on earth goes beyond our Parents and Teachers.
18.Purpose not discovered and executed makes someone a failure.
19.Purpose gives direction for life when discovered.
20.Purpose provides vision which motivates a plan of action to meet specific goals.
21.You cannot fulfill your purpose if you are in the wrong position or relationship.
22.Life without purpose is time without meaning.

God can help us locate our purpose via dreams, friends, passion, hobby, talent and through other means. One key way of discovering purpose is via the word of God (Someone who studies the SCRIPTURE is more able to identify his/her purpose than someone who is not well acquitted with the word of God).

What people say about you could be a pointer to your purpose (So it's important to pay attention to what people say about you especially, people who know you very well) Parents, Teachers, Friends and Families and so on.

First and foremost, God is a God of potential. Everything He created, He creates with the principles of potential.

What would this World have lost if you had not been born?
Potentials are latent power, dormant ability.
- It is an untapped power
- Hidden strength
- Unused success
- Dormant activity
- Who you really are and nobody knows it yet.
- What you can really do but haven't done it yet.
- How far you can go but haven't gone yet.
- What you can accomplish with your life but you haven't accomplished it yet.

It's never what you have done, it's always what you could do [and you aren't yet]. Note: The graveyard is full of this awesome power called potential (i.e.) men and women who could not fulfill their purpose.
To maximize your potentials, remain attached to your source; your maker, the creator of the whole universe.
It's never too late to become what you might have been.

1. It gives direction/focus. You'll know what to do at a point in time; hence, there is no beating about the bush.
2. It determines the friendship you attract. Your purpose determines the kind of friendship you keep.
3. It attracts provision. Every vision has a provision. Your purpose will bring on the required resources.
4. It gives all round success. Success is simply the achievement of set goals. Except there is a purpose (goal), there is no success. For purpose in itself gives you goals to pursue.
5. It gives meaning to your life. The greatest tragedy is not death but life without purpose.
6. It makes you to channel your energy on things that matters.
7. It makes you selective, effective and active. Without clear purpose, you will keep changing direction. If you don't stand for something, you will fall for everything.
8. It motivates your life.
9. It determines who to marry.
10.It prepares you for eternity.

Here are some Questions that will help you discover your true destiny.
1. What is your deepest desire?
2. What stirs your passion?
3. What is that natural talent or ability you have?
4. What do mature people see in you?
5. Is there something you can do for hours and really enjoy?

These among others are pointers to your purpose:
1. What you enjoy doing without struggling. You do it with ease. This is one of the major pointers in life. To some, it could be talking, cracking jokes, singing, writing and others. It is easy because you are designed for it.

2. People around you will be telling you. At younger age, people start calling you by that purpose. Sometimes, what people say are pointers to purpose.

3. Ask God. You can discover your true purpose by waiting upon God and asking Him for direction. You need to ask your creator the reason for your existence.

1. Through revelation: God can reveal something to you which could be your purpose for life.
2. Dream: God can also speak to you through dream.
3. Gift: When you have a special gift or talent, it could be your purpose for living.
4. Passion: Always give attention to your passion, your area of interest can be your area of passion.
5. Commitment: When you suddenly discover you are committed to a particular thing, which could be your area of calling.

“Your ASSIGNMENT in life will not only give you EMPLOYMENT, It will also give you FUFILLMENT”

Get my latest book titled " BEYOND SCHOOL " for more informaion.


Many singles do terrible things in the name of love which some are as follows;

Some boys and girls who claim to love each other too much take oath by licking each other’s blood and promising to stay as lovers till death do them part.
Most times, such lovers are teenagers who do not know the implications of such an oath. Such actions usually have disastrous consequences in future. Don’t ever take such an oath. It is sinful, criminal and unwarranted.

2.     ELOPING
Many so called lovers elope (Run away from home) to live in a secret place. Many eloped with their lovers because their parents did not allow them to marry their choice boyfriends.
Others will say they decided to leave school, because they love him.
It must be noted that eloping with a girl below the age of 18 years is a criminal offence, and punishable by imprisonment.

3.     COHABIT
Some spinsters and bachelors also begin to live together as husband and wife without the necessary traditional procedure for marriage. In that case, the man would not care where the girl comes from or who her parents are. He does not pay any dowry or bride price.
Traditionally, this is sacrilegious, socially, it is irresponsible and spiritually, it is sinful.

Some ladies who claim to be madly in love decide to get pregnant and have baby/child for their lovers without first getting married to them. Some of them believe that getting pregnant for such men is to show that they love them, not knowing that most times, the responsibility of fatherhood scares such men away from the girls.
Sometimes, some girls believe they can use such tactics to force their boyfriends to marry them. Many of them end up having bastard children. Several others drop out of school and ruin their future.

Some singles that call themselves “jealous lovers” fight other boys or girls, they regard as intruders in their love- triangle. This is a very bad habit. Some people pour acid on their boy/girl friends just because he/she was seen with another person. Some of them even kill their so-called lovers as a result of jealousy. This is stupidity!

6.     WEEPING
Some girls weep all night if they see another girl with their boyfriends. Although it is better than violence or attempted suicide, it could lead to devilish actions.
There are many other men there outside who could even love them genuinely.

Some singles have attempted to commit suicide just because their so-called lovers jilted them. They never realized that such callous heart breakers never loved them in the first place.
Attempted suicide is a criminal offence punishable by law. Don’t ever kill yourself because a man or lady jilted you. There are many beautiful/handsome people out there who will love you genuinely (Ask GOD for direction).
For you not to be jilted, avoid any relationship that is based on sex, money, lies and deceit leading to series of abortions, quarrels and violence.
Don’t marry a man because of his currency but for being current. When a man is not current, he’s not correct!

Talented Olayinka
+2348139000088, 7F782F91 



The reasons for being unmarried or late marriage are as follows:
Some people have the notion that a woman must find a husband if she is beautiful; has wealthy parents, good education and good job; is quite brilliant and intelligent; lives in a good apartment, drive a good car, a member of the church choir and well known in the church.
These qualities, as good and enviable as they seem, are not passport to the altar. There are many reasons why a lady may remain unmarried for long time. These include:

1.     BEING TOO CHOOSY:  Some ladies had several suitors but they couldn't pick any one of them for one reason or the other. While generally, many other ladies are just waiting for men who are rich and handsome, educated and born again. Some also give other excuses such as they are too young to marry or that they are still in school or want to start work before marriage. Many young ladies have lost the opportunity of marrying their God – given husbands by being too selective or undecided or unserious about getting married or waiting for ‘’prince charming’’ that would never come!

2.     BEING TOO OLD: Because most ladies are too choosy or selective or undecided as we said above; or they want to finish their university education and get a job before considering marriage, they swift pass the sweet sixteen age (18-23) that attracts suitors most. As they move down the ladder of age, they now seem too old to eligible bachelors who want to marry young ladies.

3.     BEING TOO DEMANDING OR EXPENSIVE TO MAINTAIN:  Many ladies are too demanding and money conscious. They have very high taste. Right from the first date, they show in words and deeds that they are damn expensive. If you take them to a restaurant or fast foods, they eat beyond your financial capacity. Such ladies are gold diggers. Men who are looking for life partners run away from such ladies. Men want to marry women (ladies) who are considerate and easy to maintain.

4.     HAVING A BAD CHARACTER:  It is unfortunate that many girls (ladies) do not have any home training. Their upbringing is nothing to write home about. As they grow up, they exhibit terrible behaviours that irritate men. Some are strong-headed, loquacious, quarrelsome, violent or vindictive. Some are lazy and lousy, yet gluttonous. Some are dishonest and cannot tell the truth. A marriageable woman (lady) must have a noble character that is beyond reproach. She is courteous, cultured, respectful, humble, submissive, modest and homely.

5.     BEING UNATTRACTIVE:  Some ladies (women) make themselves very unattractive to men. For instance, some so called born again ladies dress so shabbily and look ugly that even their Christian brothers don’t feel like marrying them. Some of the ladies claim that they are married to Jesus and therefore do not need to look appealing and attractive to any man. You need to look pretty, neat and smart to be noticed by men.

6.     BEING FLIRTATIOUS:  Many ladies (women) have remained unmarried because they sleep with any man that comes their ways. They offer their bodies to any man who has cash to offer. They are too easy to woo to bed. They hardly present any resistance as long as the offer is right! They spend days with different men in hotels even in their vicinity. They do not realise that people watch them and give negative reports about them. Most men prefer to marry ladies (women) who are relatively chaste and pure and less exposed to sexual relationships.

7.     BEING SICK:  Many ladies have lost the chance of being married because they have certain health problems that scare the men. These include; HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, leprosy, epilepsy, mental disorder, skin disease, body, mouth or virginal odour, sickle cell disease etc.

8.     A SORDID PAST:  Many ladies (women) have terrible pasts. They lived recklessly. They messed up their lives in many ways. Series of abortions that were known to people around them. Babies that were born and thrown into the toilet. Even when such ladies become ‘’born again’’ they are haunted by their past deeds. It has always backfired for many women.

9.     BEING TOO DESPERATE FOR MARRIAGE:  Some ladies (women) have allowed desperation to destroy their self – esteem and self – worth. They believe they are getting old or their friends are all hooked and then want a life partner too by any means, fair or foul. As a result of their desperation, they now think that every relationship, every hello or hi, must lead to marriage. Such ladies literally beg men to marry them. This makes them cheap, less, less attractive and scares men away.

10.                        THE SUGAR DADDY SYNDROME: Many young ladies (women) stick with rich married men and waste their prime years. 

Talented Olayinka

+2348139000088, 7F782F91 


What men really want in woman before proposing them for marriage, these include:

1.     Attractiveness / Beauty: Beauty, they say is in the eye of the beholder. What attracts one man may not attract another. Beauty is elastic but in tangle. Beauty can come in form of character or physical features. Some people value character more than physical features. So, a woman (wife to be) should make herself attractive in both character and appearance. If God created you to be slim or fat, tall or short, fair or dark, your beauty can come from it. Most women enhance their natural beauty and attractiveness by applying the right lipstick, eyelashes, nail polish, perfumes and deodorants. That is why they pay special attention to their hair, face, fingers, and clothing. e.t .c most men want to marry a wife they can be proud of in terms of her beauty and attractiveness, a woman they can take to social functions. Some so-called “born-again” sisters lose their chance of marriage even within their church because they no longer make themselves attractive to man. If you look shabby, dirty, grubby, gloomy and generally unattractive all the time, no man will propose you for marriage. Do something now; look good, look responsible and presentable. Be neat, pleasant, always smile and be friendly.

2.     Good Character: I have already said that most men value character above facial beauty. Majority of men want a girl who has good character. If you combine facial beauty with good character, you would be in high demand for marriage. Elements of a good character include:

-         Being pleasant, friendly and respectful to people.
-         Capacity to be submissive to husband.
-         Being hardworking not lazy or lousy.
-         Being trustworthy so as to be good confidant to husband.
-         Ability to forgive easily and forget wrongs done to her.
-         Capacity to accept her mistakes and apologize (Ability to say “I am sorry”).
-         Being peaceful and patient not violent and quarrelsome.
-         Being considerate. Not too demanding (Financially and materially).
-         Being honest (does not lies).
-         Does not steal (contented with what he has).
-         Appreciative of what people do for her (know how to say “Thank You”).
-         Being humble.
-         Being humorous and witty (capacity to joke and laugh).
-         Being God- fearing.

3.      Education /intelligence: Most men now want to marry an educated woman (lady). Nobody wants an illiterate anymore. They wants woman (ladies) who can think, wives who can discuss issues and problems and find solutions to them. Men wants woman who can be employable to help sustain their families financially. But if you didn’t have the opportunity of a formal education you can train yourself informally. Learn something and become an expert in it. Education is not only through the university.

4.     Good homemaker: home-making is very important in marriage. The essentials includes:

-         Ability to cook well
-         Ability to take good care of guests and comfort oneself well in their presence.
Some women (wife to be or already be) does not know how to cook. They grew up in a home where maids or stewards did all the cooking’s. During courtship, many prefer to be taken to a nearby fast foods or restaurants to eat. The truth is that most men want to marry a woman (wives) who knows how to cook. Most married man like to eat food cooked by their wives. Learn to cook, learn to keep the house clean, and learn to manage any amount of money given to you.

5.     Age:  This is a very important factor in marriage. Many men want to marry woman (ladies)n who are young in age ,especially between the age of 18 - 29. They believe that woman in this age bracket may not have committed many abortions; may still have good chances of bearing children and may be submissive to a man. This may not be so. And that explains why some men prefer the older women from 30 – 45 because of their maturity and financial viability.

6.     Other Considerations: some men base their choice on some primordial considerations such as tribe, religion, profession, complexion, height, etc. In this category, religion and tribe play a dominant role in marriages in Nigeria. Most men would prefer to marry from their own tribe or religion.

Talented Olayinka
+2348139000088, 7F782F91