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Pastor E.A Adeboye ( General Overseer of RCCG )

There are two categories of wars. There is the external war and there is internal war. If you ever fail to win the internal, you will forever be a loser if you win the internal war, then you can win any external war.

We can give examples of those who won their external war and lost the internal ones, making them internal ones, making them looser forever. When Moses came face to face with the Red Sea and the Army or Pharaoh, it was a big battle and there seemed to be no escape. However, in Exodus 14:13-14 Moses turned to the people and told them not to worry because the battle already won. He said the Lord would fight for them. By the following morning all the enemies that were there during the previous day had perished.

In exodus 17:8-13, we find out that when the Amalekites came against the children of Israel, defeating them as very easy for Moses, all he had to do was to lift up his hands and the enemies were defeated. However, Moses had an internal enemy, this was anger. For this reason, enemy defeated him. In numbers 20:12-12 be briefly lost control.
God told him to speak to the rock but he struck the rock. And God said because of this he would not get to the Promised Land. Moses failed at the last moment because he did not win his internal battle.

There is also the case of Samson. In Judges 14:5-6 we read that tearing a lion into two was a child play for him. It was as easy as tearing a little goat into two. Judges 15:14-16 we find out in the word of Samson “killed a thousand Philistines was a piece of cake. However in judges 16:18-21 the same mighty Samson had his eyes plucked out by the enemies that used to tremble at the mention of his name. Samson also could not win his private battle. His battle (internal enemy) was his lust for strange women. It was on his way to visit a strange woman that a lion attack him, yet he did not learn his lesson.

The gate of a city was shut against him as he was visiting a harlot in the enemy’s territory. The woman that finished him, Delilah was from among the Philistines. He just could not win the battle of the lust of strange women. So, the mighty Samson became a toy in the hands of Philistines.
What about David, the giant killer? In Samuel 17:45-51 he went against Goliath in the name of the Lord of host and he cut off the Goliath’s head. He however could not win his personal battle. In II Samuel 11:2-5, a beautiful woman killed the giant killer. He could have turn off his eyes when he saw the woman having her bath. In II Samuel 12:1-12 God told David that the sword will never depart from his house because of this sin. On the positive killed the giant killer. He could have turn off his eyes when he saw the woman having her bath. In II Samuel 12:1-12 God told David that the sword will never depart form his house because of this sin. On the positive side, we have some people who won their own private battles and as a result won external battles. They are Daniel, Shadrach Meshach and Abednego. 
In Daniel 1:3-16 we are told that they were among those taken into slavery to Babylon. They were however picked to be specially trained to become counselors of the King. They were to be given food from the king's table. They however, refused the food because it was food also offered to idols. They opted for beans and water. They refused to defile themselves. They won their internal battles. They had control over themselves. It was therefore, no surprise when Daniel was thrown into lions den and the lion could not eat him. Because Daniel did not eat the king's meat, the king's lion could not eat Daniel. If you win your internal battle external battle will be of no consequence at all. It was no surprise that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego could not be burnt by fire when they were thrown into the fiery furnace.

If you win your own internal battle, then you can ignore all external battles because God almighty will fight for you. All the time that Moses, David and Samson were winning, it was because God was with them. They were on the side of the Lord and God was on their side. The moment they stepped aside from the Lord, the one that used to be angry became angry. The one that could not keep his eyes from women kept looking at women, and the one that was lusting went on lusting. Because Daniel, shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused anything that was not of God. God saw to it that anything that would annoy them would not happen. If you win your internal battle you will win every other battle.

When you read about somebody as great as Lot in Genesis 19: 15-22 you will find out that the almighty God is able to rescue you from Sodom and Gomorrah. However in Genesis 19:30-38 you will see that Lot ruined his generation because he could not stay away from wine.

The Almighty God can give you victory over anything that enemies can throw at you. He said no weapon fashioned against you form outside should prosper. However, when you fashion the weapon against yourself you should know what the result will be. If you live like the world, you will perish like the world. If you however stand aside from the world. If you however stand aside from the world the almighty will make sure that while the world is perishing you will be floating. You have to win this war not tomorrow but now. Until you take a decision that from now on there will be no more telling lies, no more cheating, no more fornication and adultery, no more anger. And unless you settle the matter once and for all your life will be in danger. The enemy will be watching trying to find out what is your weakness. As soon as the enemy discovers your weak spot he knows that he has you. If you don’t kill the killer within, the killer within will kill you. 
What is your private battle? 
Cry to God to help you and give you victory.

Publisher: Talented Olayinka ( +234 8139000088 )