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These are the six traits that will encapsulate the ways you have to think and behave if you want to make a successful transition from being employed in someone else’s business to starting a business of your own.

The six traits you need to move from being an employee to self-employed.
1.                 You have to be flexible to be self- employed
If you start a business of your own, you no longer have one job with clearly defines duties and responsibilities. You will suddenly have multiple jobs, which will be often interrupted by unforeseen crises (particularly in the startup phase). Many employees are used to having days filled with predictable activities, many self-employed people don’t.
As a self - employed business owner, you are the one who will have to deal with whatever the crises is and solve the problem. You are the one who will have to deal with whatever the crisis is and solve the problem. You are the one who will have to make decisions.

2.       “You have to be a self – motivated initiator”
When you are an employee, other people tell you what to do, either directly or indirectly. You get used to having your actions directed by others. But you have to direct your own actions as a small business owner. You can’t just sit there and hope that someone will drop by out of the blue with inventory for your retail store.
No one is going to drop work on your desk or point out what needs to be done.

3.       You have to be able to recognize opportunities and go after them”
Most employees do what they are assigned to do. There’s someone else who’s assigned to look out for opportunities, either a boss in a small business, or perhaps a sales representative or a managerial team in a large corporation. If you start a business, you need to be the one constantly watching and looking for opportunities and be able to recognize them when you see them.

4.       “When you are self-employed, you have to be able to plan ahead”
Your last job may have involved no planning at all, as that was someone else’s job. If you want to start a business, you need to develop expertise in both short-term and long range planning.
When you start a business, one of your first tasks will be to work through a business plan.

5.       “You need to be prepared to put in a constant and consistent effort”
We have all seen employees who are just going through the emotions, or who were just “putting in the time” until retirement. Starting a business takes energy, and you need to be able to give it 100 percent.
You can also say goodbye to the holidays that many employees enjoy, both the annual and the statutory holidays, at least until your business is established to the point that you can manage your own time.

6.       You have to be able to deal with uncertainty.
As a self – employed entrepreneur, there is no guarantee that the products or services you offer will be in demand six months from now. There is no guarantee that your customers will pay their bills on time or even pay them at all. There’s actually no guarantee that you will make any income this month or the month after.

Are you still asking? “How do I start a business”? Good! Because the above points are not to scare you off, but to make you aware of how you have to readjust your thinking to make the transition from employee to self-employed business.

To be continued...

See you at the top!
Talented Olayinka ( +2348139000088 )